Are you and your company interested in more control over your own revenue growth? Have you wondered what it would take to become a better prospector? Could you see yourself looking forward to prospecting with confidence?

The area of professional sales is wrought with huge performance challenges:

  • Over 82% of sales people provide little to no year-over-year revenue growth,

  • The average tenure of a sales rep is ~18 months

  • The average tenure of a sales manager is ~2 years

  • Nearly 50% of sales reps do not use their CRM with any regularly.

  • 95% of sales reps do not actively and regularly grow business from lead to close.

Yet 56% of sales teams’ surveyed said growing number of leads and new customers is their #1 priority.

Growing revenue through leads and new customers is the number one priority for many sales teams. But very few salespeople have the ability, or the experience, to drive sales from an introductory call to a close. To generate leads, your sales team needs to prospect … consistently. Unfortunately, it’s the one task that always drops to the bottom of the to-do list.

It turns out that even the best of intentions – or the best sales training – are still not enough to bring the task of prospecting to the top of the task list and overcome the resistance that is built into our own human nature. To truly understand what is at the core of this challenge, and change it, we have to look under the surface of individual intentions, behaviors and actions.

 The Prospecting Intensive™ works on both unconscious beliefs and conscious behaviors that keep us from making that call, while focusing on the most effective sales behaviors to deliver new customers.

Prospecting Intensive™ format:

  • Training/coaching is embedded into participant’s work-day.

  • Eight week duration to maximize success.

  • 1-2 hours of learning and coaching per session.

  • Work on actual leads identified by participants.

  • Integrate new techniques into your normal workday.

  • Training content delivered via video conference.

  • Develop connections with the other participants to reinforce learning.

  • Follow-up coaching session 30-days after completion to review and reinforce.

Next Session Starts: January 4, 2021

Price: $4,995.00

Limited to 12 Participants


 .... the system helps you visualize your sales flow to know where you are, where your going, and help you fix issues before it is too late. 

What I find so appealing about the system is first of all, it works–that’s the most important thing! Most of us in leadership positions have tried a number of things over the years and this system is so intuitive and simple to use. It just makes sense.”
— Steve Schifman, CEO, Michelman Chemical


  • Diagnose performance in seconds.

  • Intuitive & easy to use.

  • Prospect Management, Forecasting, Ratio & Sales Cycles, Lead Source Tracking and more.

  • Focus on the five ways to grow revenue.

  • Forecast sales far more reliably.

  • Single repository of all prospects so you can quickly recover from sales turnover.

  • Benefit from a high ROI compared to traditional CRM and sales training.

  • Report more effectively to senior management.

  • Stand-alone or integrate with your current technology.

Inner Sales Workshop

Dive into the human element of selling. This one-day training is based on a comprehensive theory of group dynamics developed by Will Schutz, PhD which builds team alignment and cohesion by focusing on the individual and the relationships within the group. 

What to Expect

Focus on creating working relationships based on deeper openness and trust, and reduced blame and defensiveness in order to solve real sales problems. This will allow your team to accomplish whatever you’re trying to achieve faster and easier. This training includes:

  • Group discussions.

  • Verbal and non-verbal exercises.

  • Extensive feedback sessions.

As the Harvard School of Business has verified in numerous studies, the blocks to achieving success and increased productivity in most organizations are not issues, but rather the relationships between people and an individual’s attitude and intention.  The majority of these relationship issues can be solved in an atmosphere of openness and honesty, free from the traditional and costly defensive behaviors of hidden agendas, denial, turf protection, unconscious sabotage, false projections/deadlines, blaming, etc.

Inner Sales Training goals

  • Exploring the consequence of an individual’s unconscious intentions and attitudes sales and the workplace.

  • Create a climate for openly and honestly giving and receiving feedback.               

  • Identify and resolve the real blocks to teamwork and individual sales productivity.

  • Realize a new level of sales team commitment, enthusiasm, and support.

  • Increase your skills as a sales leader.

  • Increase awareness of judgments, blame and defensiveness and how it directly impacts morale and trust both on the team and with prospects and customers.

Word cloud from a recent 3YG sales training session in which participants were asked to share their judgments of salespeople – their own profession. Inner Sales Training begins to address these conscious and unconscious beliefs that get in the way o…

Word cloud from a recent 3YG sales training session in which participants were asked to share their judgments of salespeople – their own profession. Inner Sales Training begins to address these conscious and unconscious beliefs that get in the way of results.

LIFO® Selling Styles Online Assessment and Virtual Training

Everyone is unique! But despite our diversity, there are only four basic ways of seeing problems, people, and situations. Each of these four perspectives, or orientations, results in a different approach to selling and a different approach to buying.

LIFO® Selling Styles specifically looks at the behavioral preference (what you do), not personality, of the sales representative when dealing with prospects and customers under favorable and unfavorable (stress) conditions. From there, we explore 6 Strategies for ways to work with prospects and customers to address the things that get in the way of being effective.

1:1 Training


LIFO® Background

Life Orientations® Training, LIFO®, is an applied behavioral science system that fosters individual and organizational productivity. It begins by identifying the individual’s basic orientation to life, or personal style. Based on this foundation of self-knowledge, it offers powerful strategies that enable individuals and groups to be more productive in their work and more influential when dealing with key people.

LIFO® was created by Dr. Stuart Atkins. He developed the program based on a unique synthesis of key concepts from psychoanalysis, self-actualization theory, client centered counseling, group dynamics, and his many years’ experience as a behavioral scientist and organizational consultant. Since its inception, LIFO® Training has benefited more than 9,000,000 people in 20,000 organizations around the world. The LIFO® Method is accepted worldwide because of its universality.

LIFO® Selling Styles Web Training includes:

LIFO® Selling Styles online survey, LIFO® Selling Styles Report, LIFO® Selling Styles Slide Rule, 2+ hour live web training.