“Most of today’s sales training is behavior-based. If it were as easy as teaching new behaviors, there wouldn’t be such a lack of prospecting performance. There are deeper underlying issues that cause few salespeople to even attempt canvassing with regularity.”
The Prospecting Intensive
This training targets both unconscious beliefs and conscious behaviors that keep us from effective prospecting. The Prospecting Intensive gets underneath conscious behavior so that your team members can make a lasting change inside themselves. Individuals will benefit from training sessions including Appointment Setting and Getting to Closed which teach effective sales techniques for driving an opening conversation or prospective account to a final sale.
Intensive Format for Lasting Change
The Prospecting Intensive is designed to maximize learning, retention and lasting behavior change. Because participants are expected to provide and work from their own list of prospects, the curriculum is incorporated into how you currently work to increase sales, drive revenue and gain prospects. The training content is meant to be embedded into your day. It is not intended to take time out of your day.
Prospecting Intensive Format:
Training content delivered via video conference.
Training/coaching is embedded into the participant’s work-day.
1-2 hours of learning and coaching per session.
Eight week duration to maximize success.
Work on actual leads identified by participants.
Immediately integrate new techniques into your normal workday.
Develop connections with the other participants to reinforce learning.
Follow-up coaching session 30-days after completion to review and reinforce.
Optional once per month coaching session available.
The Core Elements
A web-based application CRM, The Board, provides the technology for a common platform specifically designed to reinforce the prospecting approach outlined in the training.
Appointment Setting and Getting to Closed provide effective sales techniques for opening the conversation and prospective accounts, and moving an account towards closed.
Collaborative and supportive relationships among program participants support learning from each other.
Eight key concepts, based in neuroscience, for increasing one’s self-awareness of the unconscious barriers to outstanding performance. These principles will be applied in the context of prospecting throughout the week.
Coaching provides support to practice and develop new skills in a failsafe environment. Develop and support while engaging in real prospecting and change core beliefs is what makes the intensive format unique.
Appointment Setting Training
An Appointment Setting Workshop will enable your company to utilize proven methods for generating leads, overcome the massive fear of call reluctance, capitalize upon referrals, and secure more appointments with decisions makers.
You will develop a complete appointment making approach as well as effective strategies for anticipating responses and handling issues in order to improve their team’s closing ratios and goals.
Associates will create their own individual approach for qualifying and appointment setting, build key skills necessary in generating new business, and practice these newfound skills through phone coach role-playing to ensure successful application.
Introduction to Appointment Setting:
Understand the Appointment Making Techniques™ Model
Lead generation
Understand and utilize realistic call ratios
Learn effective methods of generating leads
Identify ways to obtain referrals
Review how to penetrate existing accounts
Develop approach for setting appointments
Introduce “opening” the conversation
Anticipating responses/handling turnarounds
Review turnarounds of most common objections
Understand how to create the “Ledge”
Focus on closing the appointment
“The reason people don’t develop new habits is simply that they don’t practice the new habit enough. The 8-week duration is a platform that gives people the opportunity to learn a new skill, practice it, apply it, refine it, and practice it more. This is how we start creating new neural networks.”