Inner Sales Workshop
Dive into the human element of selling. This one-day training is based on a comprehensive theory of group dynamics developed by Will Schutz, PhD which builds team alignment and cohesion by focusing on the individual and the relationships within the group.
What to Expect
Focus on creating working relationships based on deeper openness and trust, and reduced blame and defensiveness in order to solve real sales problems. This will allow your team to accomplish whatever you’re trying to achieve faster and easier. This training includes:
Group discussions.
Verbal and non-verbal exercises.
Extensive feedback sessions.
As the Harvard School of Business has verified in numerous studies, the blocks to achieving success and increased productivity in most organizations are not issues, but rather the relationships between people and an individual’s attitude and intention. The majority of these relationship issues can be solved in an atmosphere of openness and honesty, free from the traditional and costly defensive behaviors of hidden agendas, denial, turf protection, unconscious sabotage, false projections/deadlines, blaming, etc.
Inner Sales Training goals
Exploring the consequence of an individual’s unconscious intentions and attitudes sales and the workplace.
Create a climate for openly and honestly giving and receiving feedback.
Identify and resolve the real blocks to teamwork and individual sales productivity.
Realize a new level of sales team commitment, enthusiasm, and support.
Increase your skills as a sales leader.
Increase awareness of judgments, blame and defensiveness and how it directly impacts morale and trust both on the team and with prospects and customers.
Word cloud from a recent 3YG sales training session in which participants were asked to share their judgments of salespeople – their own profession. Inner Sales Training begins to address these conscious and unconscious beliefs that get in the way of results.